10,000 Watt / 6'x12' Ermak Gen 5 Fiber Optic Laser

10,000 Watt / 6'x12' Ermak Gen 5 Fiber Optic Laser

Ubicación:Nueva Jersey

oLlamar (714) 545-0940


Beckhoff C3921 Touch Screen Controller w/15" 1024x768 Display

IPG 10,000 Watt Fiber Optic Resonator
Precitec Procutter Cutting Head w/ Auto Focusing
2.5 G High Speed Acceleration
Proportional Gas & Piping System
Gas & Air Control
Shuttle Table
Suction System
Working Coordinate Systems
Machine & Operator Safety System
Dust Collector
Lantec CAD/CAM and Nesting Software
Laser Working Area - Electric Panel Illumination
Lay-out Floor Plates

*Price Includes Installation and [1] Week of Operating, Programming, Panel and Maintenance Training w/ [1] Ermak Service Tech


ModeloGEN5/10K 72-144
Número de StockGEN5/10K 72-144
Resonator Wattage10,000 Watts
Table Size6.5'x13'
Power Range10 - 105%
Pulse Frequency Range5kHz
Max. Weight4672#
Machine Axes4-Axes (X,Y,Z,U)
Axial Movements X, U Axes160"
Axial Movements Y-Axis80"
Axial Movements Z-Axis5.9"
Accelerations X, U Axes2.5G
Accelerations Y-Axis2.5G
Accelerations Z-Axis2.5G
Max. Axes Velocities Simultaneous5551 IPM
Max. Axes Velocities X, Y Single Axis3937 IPM
Positioning Accuracy+/- .001
Repetition Accuracy+/- .0006
Shuttle Table[2] @ 35 sec
Assist Gas Mild SteeOxygen (.5 - 6 Bar)
Assist Gas Stainless SteelNitrogen (.5 - 25 Bar)
Assist Gas AluminumDry Air or Nitrogen (.5 - 25)
Cutting HeadPrecitec Procutter
ControllerBeckhoff C3921
CAD/CAM SoftwareLantek Expert Cut
Network ConnectionEthernet