242 Ton x 12.3' Ermak Speed Bend CNC Press Brake

242 Ton x 12.3' Ermak Speed Bend CNC Press Brake

Location:Nearest Port

Equipped With

Equipped With Standard Options:

Delem 66-T CNC Touch Control

Y1, Y2, X, R, Z1, Z2  Axes

Quick Release Universal Punch Holders

Tooling Package w/ 4-way Bottom Die

Foot Pedal

CNC Crowning

Laser Safe Laser Safety Guard

Available Upgrade:

Bottom Tool with Two Hardened Rods

Dual Voltage (230/460V, 60Hz, 3Ph)

Riser Block for U.S. Dies @ Additional Cost


ModelSB 3760-220
Stock NumberSB 3760-220
Capacity242 Tons
Overall Bending Length148"
Distance Between Housings128"
Y Rapid Speed7.09" /sec
Y Working Speed0.39" /sec
Y Return Speed7.28" /sec
X Axis Travel31.5
X Axis Speed13.78
Z1, Z2 Axis Speed39.37
Dimensions (approx)224.41 x 90.55 x 106.69"H
Weight (approx.)28,114 Lbs.