Wilton Model 5216001 Radial Arm Drill

Wilton Model 5216001 Radial Arm Drill

Location:Santa Ana, CA


Stock Number12775
Spindle Speed40 to 1920 RPM
Spindle Travel14 9/16"
Spindle Taper#5 MT
Spindle Feeds.002 to 0.040 IPR
Column Diameter17"
Drilling CapacitySteel - 2 1/2", Cast Iron - 2 7/8"
Tapping CapacitySteel - 2", Cast Iron - 2 3/8"
Distance Center of Spindle to Column13" to 63"
Vertical Movement of Arm50"
Spindle Motor7.5 HP
Arm Elevating Motor2 HP
Coolant Motor1/8 HP
Dimensions (approx)106 x 48 x 111"H
Weight (approx)11,220 lbs.